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Haversine formula:a = sin²(Δlat/2) + cos(lat1).cos(lat2).sin²(Δlong/2)

c = 2.asin(√a)

d = R.cwhere R is earth's radius (mean radius = 6,371km)

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Q: What is the formula for the distance between 2 gps points?
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Can gps determine speed of vehicle and does a gps account for the change in elevation when determining the distance traveled?

Yes. Global positioning satellite systems pinpoint their position using time and distance calculations received from the various GPS satellites. If a GPS systems pinpoints a location at a certain time, and pinpoints a different location at a certain time later, all that is needed to determine how fast the GPS got from the first point to the second is simple math.

Can you give a sentence using the word approximate?

I had to approximate the distance to the campground because my GPS is broken.

What is the most common way trig is used in everyday life?

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) use trigonometry. There are a number of satellites orbiting the earth. The GPS uses the time signals sent by these satellites to establish the distance to the satellites. Trigonometry is then used to find the location of the GPS unit.

Why are satellites useful in everyday life?

They are used to reflect radio waves to improve long distance communications and they are used for GPS location systems

How is an exact position in space identified?

There are several methods.You need a reference point (the origin. For an n-dimensional space you will need a set of n axes and n measures which define the position with regard to origin. The axes need not be orthogonal (at right angles) as can be seen from isometric graph paper. The measures need not all be distances, they can comprise one distance and the remainder being angles.Alternatively, you can have many reference points and directions from these reference points to the position. This is the system used by early cartographers for making maps before satellite mapping became possible. The reference points were called triangulation points, and as they moved across the region being mapped, they identified new triangulation points (whose positions they had worked out) so that they had these reference points reasonably near the position to be identified.Yet another method was to have a set of reference points and distances from these reference points to the position. This is the system used for GPS where the reference points are 3 or more satellites and the measures are distances to the position. Actually, the measures are of time but given the speed of light in the Earth's atmosphere, converting time to distance is trivial. A lot of trigonometry follows.

Related questions

How do you measure the width of a state?

You could use satellites with GPS to identify the location of the points that are furthest East and West. The GPS system may give you the distance between the points. Otherwise, you need to measure this along the Great Circle.You could use satellites with GPS to identify the location of the points that are furthest East and West. The GPS system may give you the distance between the points. Otherwise, you need to measure this along the Great Circle.You could use satellites with GPS to identify the location of the points that are furthest East and West. The GPS system may give you the distance between the points. Otherwise, you need to measure this along the Great Circle.You could use satellites with GPS to identify the location of the points that are furthest East and West. The GPS system may give you the distance between the points. Otherwise, you need to measure this along the Great Circle.

From what points in two cities is the distance between them measured?

Cities have GPS coordinates for their geographic centers. Distances are usually measured betweem them.

Golf GPS is most useful in what situations?

The main reason golfers use GPS is that it gives them a more accurate reading of the distance between two points. This allows them to adjust their stroke as needed so they do not undershoot or overshoot their target.

What is a gps golf range finder used for?

A gps golf range finder is used by golfers to see the distance to the hole, and also the distance between the golfer and the various hazards of the course.

Will a Garmin Approach GPS help judge the distance from the fairway?

The Garmin Approach GPS will help you in being able to tell the distance between you and another object by an alert that sounds when you are too close.

What is pseudo range?

The pseud orange is a measure of the range, or distance between the GPS receiver and the GPS satellite, since there is accuracy errors in the time measured, the term pseudo-range are used rather than ranges for such distance.

how many points can i set on the marine gps plotter?

Depending on the brand and model, the number of points one can plot on a GPS varies. For marine use, a chartplotter GPS with a fishfinder is recommended.

What is difference between gps and a gps?

Nothing. A gps is the same as a gps.

What metric unit would be appropriate to measure the distance between Chicago and Miami?

A global positioning system (GPS)

What is a device used for measuring length or distance?

A measuring tape or ruler is commonly used to measure length or distance. These devices have accurate markings or indicators to determine the length of an object or distance between two points. Advanced tools like laser meters or GPS devices can also be used for more precise measurements over long distances.

User difference between gis and gps?

GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is tool to display and analyze information geographically. GPS (Global Positioning Systems) is a technology that uses satellites to give one its position on the Earth with the aid of a GPS device or unit. GPS can be incorporated into GIS by using a GPS device to collect points, lines, or polygons, which can be imported into a GIS application for future analysis and interpretation.

What a difference between self and Navigator GPS GPS and a normal?

If you are really wondering what is the difference between self and navigator GPS because you need to buy a new GPS that is not expensive, then you should buy the auto GPS navigator.