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Q: How is aerial distance measured?
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What is aerial distance?

aerial distance is measured through the air as opposed to ground travel

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What can be measured in kilometres?

Distance is measured in kilometres, such as the distance between two towns, or the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

What can measured in meters?

Distance can be measured in metres.

What is the Distance from the equator measured in degrees called?

The distance from the equator measured in degrees is called latitude.

How is distance measured from the Equator?

Distance from the Equator is measured using lines of latitude. The Equator is designated as 0 degrees latitude, and distances are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds north or south of the Equator.

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What is the greek word for the distance measured by 200 yards

How the distance between two cities was measured and is measured now?

The distance between the countries can be find by travelling

What is measured in meters?

Length or distance is measured in meters.

Is aerial tumbling best example of projectile principle for distance?

Aerial tumbling is not the best example of projectile principle for distance because it involves a combination of acrobatic movements and vertical displacement. A better example would be a horizontal projectile motion like kicking a ball or throwing an object, where the only force acting on the object is gravity and it follows a curved path.

What is measured in kilometres?


What is measured in km?
