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The answer depends on the information that you do have.

Suppose you know all the edge lengths: the three sides of the triangle are a, b and c and the length of the prism is d.

Let s = (a + b + c)/2

Then the area of the triangular cross section is sqrt[s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)] square units.

So, surface area = 2*sqrt[s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)] + d*(a+b+c) square units.

Volume = sqrt[s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c)]*d cubic units.

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Q: What is the formula for the surface area and volume of a triangular prism?
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A triangular prism can be thought of as a stack of triangles. Then the volume is equal to the area of the triangular base multiplied by the height of the prism, or 1/2 length * width * height.

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Assume that a = apothem length of the triangular prism, b = base length of the triangular prism, and h = height of the triangular prism. The formulas to find the surface area is SA = ab + 3bh.

What is the formula of a triangular prism?

What is the formula for a triangular prism

How to find the volume of a triangular prism?

You find the volume of a triangular prism by using this formula: Volume = 1/2 base of the triangle x height of the triangle x height of the prism.

Is the surface area of a triangular prism cubed?

Surface area is squared; volume is cubed.

What is the formula for calculating the volume of a triangular prism?

The volume of a three-dimensional figure is the amount of space it encloses. The volume V of a triangular prism is the product of the area B of a base and the height h of the prism. (The bases are triangles. In a special case of a right triangular prism the bases are right triangles)

Which formula would you use to find the volume of a triangular prism?

Volume of a triangular prism = cross-section area times length

How do you fing the volume of a triangular prism?

The formula used to determine the volume of a triangular prism is v = 1/2 (length)(width)(height). v= 1/2 (lwh)