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You must use the brackets, or otherwise the multiplication will be done first. This is the laws of mathematics. See the related question below.

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Q: What is the formula so that the result of adding cells c4 and c12 is multiplied by the value in cell c3?
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What is the name of the formula use when adding multiple cells together?

sum~ Apex

What is the complete syntax of addition for open office calc?

Using cells a3, b3 & c3 as examples...Adding a fixed number to a cell... in c3 you would use the formula =sum(a3+20)Adding the contents of two cells together... in c3, enter the formula =sum(a3+b3)

What is a predefined formula that performs common calculations such as adding the values in a group of cells or generating a value such as the time or date?


When you set up a worksheet should you use cell references in formulas whenever possible rather than blank values?

Yes, cell references should be used. It is not necessary to have values in cells before the formulas that are referring to those cells can be typed. So a formula can be created with cell reference that refer to blank cells first. After that you could enter the values and when you do, the formulas will update their results by using the values that are in the cells. A formula does not change if cells are empty or not. So you could type any formula before entering values that the formula will use. The formula may at first result in a zero value or even an error, but will give the correct result when values are entered into the cells it refers to.

When you set up a worksheet you should use cell references in formulas whenever possible rather than values.?

Yes, cell references should be used. It is not necessary to have values in cells before the formulas that are referring to those cells can be typed. So a formula can be created with cell reference that refer to blank cells first. After that you could enter the values and when you do, the formulas will update their results by using the values that are in the cells. A formula does not change if cells are empty or not. So you could type any formula before entering values that the formula will use. The formula may at first result in a zero value or even an error, but will give the correct result when values are entered into the cells it refers to.

When you set up a worksheet you should use cell references in formulas whenever possible rather than blank values.?

Yes, cell references should be used. It is not necessary to have values in cells before the formulas that are referring to those cells can be typed. So a formula can be created with cell reference that refer to blank cells first. After that you could enter the values and when you do, the formulas will update their results by using the values that are in the cells. A formula does not change if cells are empty or not. So you could type any formula before entering values that the formula will use. The formula may at first result in a zero value or even an error, but will give the correct result when values are entered into the cells it refers to.

If you used the Excel formula SUM(A2A4) what will be calculated?

The values in cells A2, A3 & A4 will be added together - and the result displayed in the cell that contains the 'sum' formula.

What is the formula used to calculate result in Microsoft Excel?

The formula you use depends upon what you are trying to calculate. If you want to multiply two cells (e.g. A1 and C2), the formula would be =A1*C2.

What is the result when a single cell reproduces by mitosis?

Remain as single cells the organisms simply multiplied

After entering a formula that calculates numbers you get nothing or number sign for an answer. What is causing the problem?

After entering a formula that calculates numbers, you get: #### for an answer. What is causing the problem? ANSWER:One of the cells referenced in the formula was hidden Excel did not recognize the function you used The column width is too narrow to display the formula result The workbook on which you are working has become corrupted One of the cells referenced in the formula was formatted as text

What are the disadvantage of using formula in excel instead of using cell reference?

Using a formula which does not reference any cells means that the result is fixed, as the values are fixed. The result will only change if the formula is changed. Using cell references allows you to have a formula using variables. If the data changes then the result of the formula changes. The question is a little odd however because it is almost certain you will want to, and are able to, use both; cell references within formulas.

What is cell addition in excel?

It is adding values in cells together. If you have a number in A2 and another in A3, then in A4 you could add the two number by having the following formula: =A2+A3 You can also add lots more cells by having more in the formula or using the SUM function. This will add all the values from the cells A2 to A20. =SUM(A2:A20)