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The sum of the interior angles is (n-2)*180 degrees.

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Q: What is the formula used to find the sum of the angle measures in an n gon?
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What is the formula used to find the sum of the angle measures in an n-gon?

The formula is (n-2)x180 over n =x

How to find angle measures of a secant?

The "Far Arc Near Arc theorem" is used in finding the angle measures of a secant.

What are the methods used to compute the measures of complementary and supplementary angles?

The methods are subtraction. -- Subtract an angle from 90° to find its complementary angle. -- Subtract an angle from 180° to find its supplementary angle.

What is the formula used to calculate the number of sides in a polygon using its angle measures?

Let S be the sum of the measures of all the interior angles, in degrees. Then the number of sides is S/180 + 2.

What is the formula used to find the area of a sector?

area of sector = (angle at centre*area of circle)/360

What instrument measures angle and how do they work?

Some of the devices used to measure angle are Transit, Protractor and Compass.

A sextent measures the angle between?

A sextant measures the angle of elevation between the horizon and the north star. Along with charts, it can be used to calculate your position on the sea fairly accurately.

An angle measures 285. what does it measures in hours?

Although minutes and seconds are used in measuring anglesm hours are not. The question, therefore, is meaningless.

What is a Universal bevel protractor?

universal bevel protactor is an angle measuring instrument which measures acute angle ,obtuse angle as well as it is used to layout an angle. its least count is 5 minute.

What is the instrument used to measurea angle?

A protractor measures degrees: 90, 80, 120 etc. If something is 90 degrees it is at a right angle

There are two rectangles a triangle and half a circle find the total area?

The answers depend on what measures are available for the rectangles (sides, diagonals), for the triangle (3 sides, 2 sides and included angle, one side and 2 angles), and for the circle (radius, perimeter). In each case the formula to be used will be different.

When given all 3 side lengths of a triangle but none of the angle measures you can solve for all angle measures using?

A protractor is used for measuring angles and the 3 angles in a triangle add up to 180 degrees.