

What is the formulae to calculate the area of an ellipse?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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pi x the minor radius x the major radius

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Q: What is the formulae to calculate the area of an ellipse?
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What is the formulae to calculate the area of a segment of an ellipse?

Formula: a = pi * r1 * r2 a=area of the ellipser1=length of the semi-major axisr2=length of the semi-minor axispi=Π, approximately 3.1415927

Calculate the area of an ellipse?

Area = pi*a*b where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes.

How do you calculate the ellipse area?

Area = pi*a*b where a and b are the semi-major and semi-minor axes.

What is the formula to calculate area?

It depends on the shape whose area you wish to calculate. Different shapes have different formulae.

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There are many formulae for triangles: Some formulae will calculate sides given angles or conversely. Some will calculate the area. It is not possible to say how you would use a formula without knowing what it is for!

What is the most easy way to find the area?

It depends on the shape of the area you need to calculate. There are formulae for given shapes but not necessarily for irregular ones

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How do you calculate the surface areas?

The answer will depend on what the surface area is of. The surface areas of regular shapes are can be calculated from formulae but these will depend on the shapes. For non-regular areas there may or may not be simple formulae.

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What is Surface area of ovoid?

"Ovoid" is not clearly defined.In the case of an ellipsoid, the figure is clearly defined, but - just as the circumference of an ellipse - the surface area of an ellipsoid is somewhat difficult to calculate, and can't be expressed in terms of elementary functions.The Wikipedia article on "ellipsoid" has an approximate formula that you can use.Both the Wikipedia and Wolfram Alpha have exact formulae; but understanding them requires some advanced math.

What is formula to calculate?

That's the basic purpose of all formulae - to calculate.

How do you find the area when i only have the perimiter length?

If the area is that of a circle or a regular polygon (triangle, square, reg pentagon etc) there are formulae that will enable you to do so. If it is any other shape - ellipse, irregular polygon, or worse still a random shape - then the area cannot be found.