4.27 in decimal fraction = 427/100 4.27 * 100/100 = 427/100 in fraction
decimal fraction of 17.04 = 1704/10017.04 * 100/100 = 1704/100 in fraction
0.07 as a decimal fraction = 7/1000.07 * 100/100 = 7/100 in fraction
As a decimal: 0.48. As a fraction: 48/100.
59%= 0.59 in decimal= 59/100 in fraction
8 to 100 in a decimal fraction and percent = 8/100; 8% 8 to 100 = 8/100 in a decimal fraction 8/100 * 100% = 8% in percent
The fraction 81/100 can be expressed as the decimal .81.
Fraction ; 71/100 Decimal ; 0.71
Decimal=0.07 Fraction=7/100
0.87 IS a decimal fraction.
decimal and fraction of 11 percent = = 0.11; 11/10011%= 11%/100%= 11/100 in fraction= 0.11 in decimal