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The definiton of period (T) . Is T = 1/f ; Therefore if you know that the period is 2.5

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Q: What is the frequency of a sine wave with a period of 2 ms?
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What is the frequency of a wave which has a period of 6.00 ms?

Frequency = 1/period = 1/0.006 = 1662/3 Hz.

If the period of a certain sine wave is 2.5 ms what is its frequency?

The definiton of period (T) Is T = 1/f ; Therefore if you know that the period is 2.5 microseconds (=2.5 x 10-6) then the frequency is f=1/(2.5x10-6)= 4 x 105 Hz

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If you mean a wave that has a frequency of 10 hz at 360 m/s, then the answer is 1/36 of a second. The period is the inverse of the wavelength and the wavelength is equal to the wave speed divided y the frequency. 360/10=36 and the inverse of 36 is 1/36.

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The frequency is 1000000000 Hz.

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Simply divide the speed by the frequency.

What is the frequency of a wave moving at 24 ms with a wavelength of 3 m?


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Divide the speed by the frequency

What is the frequency and time period and wave length of waves if 10 waves pass every 20 seconds?

To get the frequency, divide the number of waves (10) by the time it takes for those waves to pass (20). The answer is in hertz.The period is the reciprocal of the frequency. There is not enough information to determine the wavelength.

A wave with a frequency of 10 hertz moves at 360 ms what is the wavelength of the wave?

360m/s/10hz = 36m

What is the frequency of a wave moving at 24 ms with a wavelength of 3m?

Frequency = 24 ms-1/3 m = 8 s-1 or 8 Hertz.

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Since the speed of the wave is equal to the wavelength times the frequency, all you need to do is divide the speed by the wavelength in this case.