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period and frequency are reciprocals

period (T) = 1/frequency (1/f)

period = 1/18

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Q: What is the frequency of a wave having a period equal to 18 seconds?
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What is the frequency of a wave that is 1.6 seconds?

frequency is equal to 1 over its period so for a wave that has a period of 1.6 s, f=.625

How do you calculate the period of a wave from its frequency?

T=Period F=frequency T=1/F Period=1/F

The time for a complete to-and-fro swing of a pendulum is called its frequency?

No, that's called its "period". The frequency is numerically equal to the period's reciprocal.

What happens to the period of a wave when the frequency decreases?

The period and frequency of a wave are inversely related, i.e. the period is the time it takes for wave to go through a cycle, and the frequency is the number of cycles in a certain time period. For example, a wave with a period of 0.5 seconds would have a frequency of 2 per second. Since these properties are the inverse of each other, than they will be opposite when changing. If the period decreases (i.e. gets shorter, faster) than the frequency increases. Or vice versa.

The wave equation says that a waves speed is equal to its time its frequency?

The speed or velocity of a wave is equal to the wavelength times the frequency. The period (amount of time for one wavelength to occur) is equal to 1 over the frequency (the inverse of its frequency).

What is the period of 10 kHz?

To calculate the time of the cycle you just invert the Hz value. Hz = 1 / T, Where T is the time of the cycle in seconds so a 10,000Hz signal has a time of each cycle of: 0.0001 seconds.

If a wave has a wavelength of 9 meters and a period of 0.006 what is the velocity of the wave?

The speed of the wave is equal to wavelength x frequency. You can calculate the frequency, in this case, as 1 / period.

What is the period time equal to 604 thousand 800 seconds?

A week or 7 days.

The product of the period and the frequency of a harmonic oscillator is always equal to?

tanong q rin yan....hehe

What is 2048 seconds long?

2048 seconds is equal to 34 minutes and 8 seconds.

One of the values of a variable which divides the distribution of the variable into four groups having equal frequency?

A quartile.

What are the causes for the resonance?

Resonance is actually the tendency of vibrating body to increase its amplitude when applied frequency becomes equal to its natural frequency. When we apply a frequency equal to the natural frequency of vibrating body (i.e by giving a push to a swing FOR EXAMPLE). This push (force) makes amplitude double. Because Amplitude directly varies with Force but Time Period or Frequency does not change.