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Q: What is the function of progestorone?
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What is the release of progestrone?

Progestorone is released by corpus luteum.They are in ovaries

What hormone starts puberty in females?

GnRH released from the hypothalamus triggers the start of puberty in females.

Can a hormones be a steriods?

Of course there are steroid hormones.Some examples are Testosterone,Progestorone,Estrogen etc.

What hormones does males and females both have?

Luteinizing Hormone

What does lutienising hormone do?

It ejects ova.It make graafian follicles into corpus luteum.Stimulates secretion of oestrogen,progestorone and tetostorone.

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Do ovaries secrete estrogen?

no the ovaries secrete estrogen and progesterone. they produce eggs

What does regressing corpus luteum indicate?

A regressing corpus luteum indicates that the egg was not fertilized. As the corpus luteum regresses it loses its capacity to produce progesterone. A regressed corpus luteum is termed as corpus albicans. The lack of progestorone, which leads to the shedding of the uterine lining, is responsible for the menstrual cycle.

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The six functions of language are expressive (to express thoughts and feelings), directive (to give commands or requests), informative (to provide information), phatic (to establish social contact), aesthetic (to create beauty or evoke emotions), and metalinguistic (to discuss language itself).

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The parent function of the exponential function is ax

What function tests a specific condition in Excel?

The IF function is the main function to do it and you can also use other logical functions, like the AND function, the OR function or the NOT function.