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Q: What is the function of the mesocarp?
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Which is the edible part of mango ans 1. epicarp 2. mesocarp 3. pericarp 4. placenta?


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What is the edible part in guava?

Mesocarp pulp of fruit .

What are the three pericarp layers in a fruit?

endocarp,exocarp, and mesocarp

What is Pericarp in Coconut?

Epicarp-thick, mesocarp-fibrous, endocarp- stony

What is the scientific name of coconut shell?

It is Cocos nucifera.

What is the edible part of mango?

All of it apart from the skin and the big seed.

A labeled picture illustrating a mangoes phyiscal characteristics?

we have the epicarp,mesocarp,seed,endocarp. Which makes the fruit belong to a monocarpus group

What is the anatomy of a peach?

The anatomy of a peach include the seed and the pericarp. The seed is comprised of endosperm, embryo, and seed coat. The pericarp is comprised of the endocarp, mesocarp, and the exocarp.

Which model of earth's layer is better orange or peach why?

peach has a hard seed for the center.An orange has many seed's. peach is the answer skin=crust mantle=mesocarp core=seed

What is the use of fruits of the coconut tree?

Botanically the coconut fruit is a drupe, not a nut. Like other fruit it has three layers : exocarp,mesocarp and endocarp. The exocarp and mesocarp make up the husk of the Coconut.

Is coconut a peanut or tree nut?

Yes, it is a nut, same as the banana. Anything with a shell, or peeling that is not consumed by human are considered in the Nut Family. Fruits you eat the entire fruit, even the seeds inside. Only fruit that have shells (rinds) are the melon family.