The greatest common denominator is infinite. The least is 192. The greatest common factor is 16.
The Greatest Common Divisor/Denominator is 8
Denomonators are the bottom number on a fraction, and if you make either 32 or 55 into a fraction, it would be 32/1 or 55/1, so the denominator would be 1. However, if instead of denominator you meant factor, the greatest common factor would be 1.
The GCF is 2.
The least common denominator between fractions 1 over 32 and 8 over 64 is 64.
You need at least two denominators to find something in common between them. If that's 3 and 2, the common denominator is 6..
-- Find the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator . . . it is 4 .-- Divide the numerator and denominator both by their greatest common factor (which is 4).-- The fraction 32/4 becomes 8/1 or simply 8 .Note:This method works for any fraction that needs to be simplified,but the greatest common factor will not always be 4 .
2 ist greatest common factor
The common denominator of 5/8 and 3/4 is 32.The lowest common denominator (LCD) is 8.The highest common denominator (HCD) is 32.
32 is.