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Method of prime factorization is the best method to find GCF of two or more numbers.

It is useful for both small numbers and large numbers.

But, what is prime factorization?

Ans: Prime numbers multiply together to form the original number.

e.g. 50 can be expressed as the product of primes: 50 = 2x5x5

Arrangement of prime numbers is not important and 50 can be written as 50 = 5x2x5

Prime factorization of 60 = 2x2x3x5

Prime factorization of 4 = 2x2

It is clear that 2x2 is the greatest number which divides both 60 & 4.

So, GCF = 2x2 = 4

Visit the links provided below to know more about Prime Factorization and the method to find out GCF.

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Since 4 is a factor of 60, it is automatically the GCF.

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Q: What is the greatest common factor of 4 and 60?
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