It is: 13
GCF(52, 156, 169) = 13.
The GCF is 13.
The GCF is 13.It is: 13
The greatest common factor of 52 and 81 is 1
The greatest common factor of 52 and 26 is 26.
The greatest common factor of 26 and 52 Is 26. Since 26 is a factor of 52, it is automatically the GCF of the set.The greatest common factor of 26 and 52 is 26.It is: 26
The greatest common factor of 17 and 52 would be 1.
The greatest common factor of 52 and 64 is 4.
The Greatest Common Factor of 24, 52, 68: 4
The Greatest Common Factor of 8, 12, 52: 4
The Greatest Common Factor of 80, 52, 60: 4