The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
The greatest common multiple of any set of integers is infinite.
There can never be a greatest common multiple. If a number, X, is claimed as the greatest common multiple, the 2X is a common multiple, and it is greater than X which contradicts X being the greatest.
The Least Common Multiple of 21 and 30 is 210.
The least common multiple of the numbers 21 and 30 is 210.
Since 21 is a factor of 84, it is automatically the GCF. Since 84 is a multiple of 21, it is automatically the LCM.
The Greatest Common Factor of 21, 30, 44: 1