That number is unknown because four can go into an infinite number of multiples of four.
Multiples of 9361 go on forever. There is no greatest.
4, because you have to find the highest number that will go into each. in this case it is 4
The greatest 4-digit number that is divisible by 16 is 9984
The greatest common factor of 12 and 20 is 4
4, 4 is the greatest number that goes into both 4 and 8
4, as 4 goes into itself, 16 and 20 and no number bigger than 4 can go into 4 :)
There is no greatest multiple of any number: whatever multiple of 4 you say is the greatest I can always add 4 and get an even greater multiple.
The greatest common factor of the numbers 40 and 44 would be 4. This the highest number that will go evenly into both numbers.
Every positive number has itself as its greatest factor. So your answer is 4.
It is: 4