Divide it with primes less than half of the number.
The greatest factor of any number is the number itself. There is no integer that is the greatest factor of every number. One is a factor of every number. One is the GCF of co-prime numbers.
You have to check with all the primes lesser than 269.
It can be, if you're comparing primes or relative primes.
There is only one even prime number (2). There are no 8-digit even primes.
When a factor of a number is composed of distinct primes, all the odd primes are raised to a power of 1, while the only even number which is 2 can be raised to any power. For example, the factor of 2134346 is 2*19*56167 Here all the primes are distinct primes.
Any composite number will do. No primes!
The greatest factor of any number is the number itself. The second greatest factor of any even number is half the number. The second greatest factor of any composite number is the number divided by its smallest prime factor. The second greatest factor of any prime number is 1.
25 primes.
There are an infinite number of primes greater than any number given.
Yes, there are an infinite number of twin primes.
The larger number of the fourth set of twin primes is 19.