There can be no such thing. Something that is hard for one person may be easy for another.
This one
"What is the most stupidest question ever asked?" gets my vote.
the hardest q that I've ever been asked was who's hotter, my crush or my other mate (my crushs known the mate for a long time and I've olny known them both for like a few months). it made it harder because my crush was the one who asked me so i didn't really know what to say . . . . . . . . . .
The best question ever asked on Earth is the following: "Is this life all there is?"
THE WORLDS HARDEST RIDDLE.I turn polar bears whiteand I will make you cry.I make guys have to peeand girls comb their hair.I make celebrities look stupidand normal people look like celebrities.I turn pancakes brownand make your champagne bubble.If you squeeze me, I'll pop.If you look at me, you'll pop.Can you guess the riddle?
that is a wonderful question that derserves a wonderful answer!
Was that a charge or a blocking foul
Probably this
will you marry me?
No, it is not on my list.
why are you asking what is the longest question ever asked when you could be spending time doing something better than sitting on the computer typing what is the longest question ever asked? How do you pronounce Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu?