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ten nonillion

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Q: What is the highest place value in a number that is 32 numbers long?
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How do you get the highest place value of a number?

what the answer the number 7,442 to the highest place value

What is the highest place value in decimal number?

The highest place value in a decimal number is the left most digit, also the first digit.

What is the highest place value ot a ten-digit number?

highest value of a 10-digitnumber = 9,999,999,999

What has the highest value 0.125 0.25 0.375?

0.375 is the highest value. You can look at the number in the tenths place, (0.x) and whichever has the highest value there, is greater.

Is anyone of the numbers 0123 place value?

No. A number with multiple digits does not have a place value. A single digit in a multi-digit number has a place value.

Is centillion the highest number?

numbers never end, so it's impossible to say what the highest number is. I'm not sure that we even have names for all the place values yet. :D (10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) haha, is there a place value for that i wonder???

What is the highest place value in 2704070321?

the highest place value is billions place.

What is the highest plce value of a ten digit number?

The billions place is.

What is the highest place value of a number 58 892?

Ten thousands.

What is the highest place value of a ten-digit number?


What is the highest place value of 397.9?

The highest place value is hundreds.

How do you know which place to use for the first number in a quotient?

the highest place value. like if its a hundreds number, its going to be the hundreds place.