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Q: What is the importance of positive geotropism?
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What is Positive gravi groth tropism?

Positive geotropism is where the roots grow towards gravity.

What is positive and negative geotropism?

negative is up and postive is down

What is Geo-Tropism?

Geotropism is a plant growth or movement in response to gravity. Upward growth of the plant's parts against gravity is called negative geotropism, whilst downward growth of roots is called positive geotropism.

What is the difference between positive and negitve geotropism?

Geotropism (also called gravitropism) is the turning or growth movement by a plant or fungus in response to gravity. Roots show positive geotropism (grow toward gravity - down) and stems show negative geotropism (grow away from gravity - up).

Do plants grow downwards?

No, plants do not always grow downward. Plant roots always grow downward due to positive gravitropism or positive geotropism. Plant shoots always grow upwards due to negative gravitropism or negative geotropism.

What is positive gvravitropism?

firstly there is no word as GVRAVITROPISM. When plants grow towards gravity it is called GEOTROPISM. its is mainly the root of plants that show geotropism; because they grow downward. but the stem show negative geotropism because it grows up in the opposite direction of gravity

What kind of tropism do roots play?

Gravitropism (also known as geotropism) is a turning or growth movement by a plant or fungus in response to gravity. It is a general feature of all higher and many lower plants as well as other organisms. Wikipedia

Does geotropism determine the direction of growth?

Yes, geotropism DOES determine the direction of growth. Negative geotropism is when a section of the plant grows upwards. For example, stems grow upward. Positive geotropism is when a section of the plant grows downwards. In this case, a plant's roots would be the perfect example.

What can be defined as a root's downward growth as a response to gravity?

A root's downward growth as a response to gravity is called positive gravitropism or positive geotropism.

What is the importance of positive phototropism?

Positive gravitropism (plants grow up) benefits the plant because it has a better root structure. It is an adaption of plants to gravitropism which has a weak root system, however it is beneficial in certain areas for plants to be gravitropes.

Which part of the plant shows a positive response to gravity?

The roots of a plant exhibit positive geotropism or gravitropism because they grow toward the direction of the pull of gravity.

Stems and leaves grow using positive what?

stems and leaves grow using positive phototropism. That means growing towards the source of light. Mostly we reffer to the sun in this case. Even so, stems and roots can as well grow away from the source of light, that is negative phototropism.