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The 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees

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Q: What is the interior angle of any triangle?
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Related questions

What is the intereor angle of a triangle?

An interior angle is any angle on the interior of the triangle.

What is a triangle with a 90 degree interior angle called?

A triangle with a 90o interior angle is called a 'right' triangle. BTW, any triangle can have only one 90o interior angle

What is one interior angle of a nonagon?

Any angle between 0 and 360 degrees. An interior angle of any polygon (other than a triangle) can have any value in that range.

What is the interior of an angle?

interior is the inside of a triangle but is connected to the triangle.

What has large interior angle a triangle or heptagon?

A heptagon. It can have a reflex interior angle, a triangle cannot.

In any triangle the measure of the exterior angle is equal to the sum of the measures of the?

In any triangle exterior angle plus interior angles = 180 degrees

What is the sum of the three interior angle of a triangle?

How: The sum of the 3 interior angles of any triangle add up to 180 degrees

What is the relationship between interior and exterior angles in triangles?

An interior angle of a triangle is the angle between two edges, measured inside the triangle. An exterior angle is formed by extending one of the edges outside the triangle, and measuring between that extension and the adjacent original side of the triangle. The sum of the interior angle and exterior angle at any given corner is always 1800 (which is Pi radians).

What is the exterior angle sum of a regular triangle?

The sum of the interior angles of any triangle is 180 degrees.

The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of?

any other exterior angle of the triangle * * * * * No. The sum of the two opposite interior angles.

What is the measure of each exterior angle of a triangle?

Any exterior angle of a triangle always equals the sum of the two interior opposite angles.

Why cant a triangle have a reflex angle?

The three interior angles in a triangle must add up to 180o, and a reflex angle is one that is bigger than 180o. This makes it impossible for a triangle to have any interior reflex angles.