Just a guess . . . 1,024
The largest 10-digit number with no digit repeated is 9876543210 !
Their number system was based on 20 instead of 10. Their number system was based on three characters instead of 10 characters.
The answer is an infinitely sized number. The largest number with 10 factors cannot be determined as it would equate to the product of the ten largest prime numbers. It has been proved that there is no maximum prime number.
The largest ten digit number with no repeated digits is '9876543210'.
This is a nonsensical question. There are more than 13 multiples of 10 - in fact there are an infinite number. And there are multiples of 10 which have an infinite number of factors - so there cannot be a "largest" number of factors.
The largest ten digit number with no repeated digits is '9876543210'.
The number is 7
No. There is no such thing as a "largest number". Gogoolplex is a finite number. If you add one to a finite number, you get a larger number. In the case of an infinite number, if you raise 2 to the power of such a number, you get a larger number.