

What is the largest odd prime factor of 68?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What is the largest odd prime factor of 68?
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Are 19 and 34 the two largest prime factors of 68?

19 isn't a factor of 68 and 34 isn't prime. Other than that... The largest prime factor of 68 is 17.

What is the largest prime factor of 68?


What is the prime factor tree of 68?

68 34,2 17,2,2

Are 17 and 68 relatively prime?

17 and 68 are not relatively prime because they have 17 as a common factor.

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What is the prime factor decomposition of 68?

2 x 2 x 17 = 68

How do you make a factor tree of 68?

factor tree of 68:(68) = 2 * (34)(34) = 2 * 17so prime factors are 2 * 2 * 17

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Can you show me a factor tree for 68 and the prime factorization?

68 34,2 17,2,2 2 x 2 x 17 = 68

Is 17 and 68 relatively prime?

No. 1 is not their only common factor. 17 is actually a factor of 68, so they have 1 and 17 as common factors.

What is the prime factor of 68 using exponents?

2^2 x 17 = 68

What is the sum of the two largest prime factors of 68?

68 = 2 * 2 * 17 17 + 2 = 19