The least common multiple of two different prime numbers is the product of those two prime numbers.
The product of all pairs of prime numbers is always the least common multiple of the two prime numbers.
The least common multiple (LCM) refers to a multiple that is COMMON to two or more numbers. If you have only one number - whether or not it is a prime - you cannot have a least COMMON multiple.
The least common multiple of two numbers is the product of those two numbers, divided by the greatest common factor of those two numbers. Two numbers that are relatively prime have a greatest common factor of 1. So, when the two numbers are relatively prime, the least common multiple is the product of both numbers divided by 1. So, when two numbers are relatively prime, the least common multiple is the product of the two numbers.this is wron
When they have no common prime factors.
Prime numbers or relatively prime numbers.
The Least Common Multiple of 48, 72 is 144.
The least common factor of any set of positive integers is 1. The least common multiple of relatively prime numbers is their product.
The greatest common multiple is an infinite amount and not very practical for problem solving. The least common multiple of two prime numbers is their product.
3 and 17
Their product.