To get multiples of 10, multiply 10 by different whole numbers.Similarly, to get multiples of 11, multiply 11 by different whole numbers. If you want COMMON multiples, get the LEAST common multiple of the two; then multiply this least common multiple by different whole numbers to get additional common multiples.
The least common multiples of 5, 11, and 13 is 715.
Multiply 21 and 11 to get a common multiple. Since 21 and 11 have no common factors, that also happens to be the least common multiple.All other common multiples are multiples of this least common multiple.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 3 11 is 33.
The least common multiple of the numbers 11 and 18 is 198.
110; 220; 330; 440; 550; 660; 770; 880; 990 and so on.The least common multiple of 10 and 11 is 110. So every multiple of 110 will also be a common multiple of both 10 and 11 (but just not the least common multiple).
The least common multiple of the numbers 7 and 11 is 77.
The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 8 11 16 is 176.
The LCM is 792.
You need at least two numbers to find common multiple. The multiples of 11 are 0, 1, 11, 22, 33, 44 etc.