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It is: 24/4 = 6 cm

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Q: What is the length of 1 side of a square if its permeter is 24cm?
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How much is the permeter of a square?

4 x length of any one side.

What is the length of 1 side of a regular hexagon if its permeter is 24cm?

A regular hexagon is a shape with 6 equal side so to find the length of one side you would take the perimeter, which is 24, and divide it by 6. 24/6 = 4. The length of 1 side is 4cm.

The perimeter of a square is 24cm what is the length of each side?

A square has four equal sides, so the length of each is (24/4) 6cm ■

The perimeter of a square is 24cm what is the length of one side?

Perimeter is merely the total of the sides. A square has four sides so in this instance each side is 6cm.

What is the area of a regular hexagon with side length of 24cm?

1496.49 cm

What is the perimeter of a square if one side is 6 cm long?


Find the permeter of a square with one side measuring 5 centimeters?

4*5=20 20 cm

What is the permeter of a square if it has an area of 49centmeters square?

The area is the side x side = 49 side = 7cm ( sqrt of 49) perimeter is some of sides = 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28 cm

How do you find the permeter of a polygon?

The perimeter of a polygon is the sum of the length of each of its sides. If the polygon is a regular polygon the you can calculate the perimeter as [number of sides] *[the length of one side]

What is the perimeter of a square that has a side of 6 centimeters long?

24cm (4 sides x 6 = 24)

What is the perimeter of a square with an area of 36cm?

One side equal to 6cm perimetre is 6*4=24cm

What is the area of a square with a perimeter of 24cm?

Perimeter = 24 cm so length of each side = 24/4 = 6 cm and so area = 6 cm * 6 cm = 36 cm2