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This question is not possible to answer. You cannot determine the length of the sides with just the degree of two angles and the type of triangle.

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Q: What is the length of the equal sides of an isoceles triangle were the two equal angles are 45 degrees?
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How many angles does a isosceles have?

An isoceles is a type of triangle with two sides of equal length. Like all triangles an isoceles triangle has three interior angles.

What are the properties of a isoceles triangle?

Isoceles triangles are characterized by 2 sides that are equal in length. Consequently 2 of the interior angles of the triangle will also be equal.

Can an isoceles triangle have a right angle?

Yes it can. If it does, it's called an "isosceles right triangle". The other two angles are each 45 degrees, and the triangle's legs both have the same length.

What is right angle triangle and isoceles triangle?

A right angle triangle is a triangle with an angle 90 degrees. An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two or more equal angles/ length of lines. An equilateral triangle can also be an isosceles triangle.

What is an isoceles triangle?

An isosceles triangle is a shape that has at least 2 sides that are the same length. This forces the angles to be acute.

What is a isoceles triangle?

An isoceles triangle has 2 sides of equal length

How do you classify triangles?

3 differnet types of triangles 1. Equilateral triangle (all lines are same length and every angle is 60 degrees) 2. Isoceles triangle (2 of the 3 lines are the same length and all 3 angles add to 180 degrees. 3. Scalene triangle (all 3 lines are different length but all angles add to 180) Hope I helped

What is the difference between an isoceles triangle and an equilateral triangle?

An isoceles triangle has TWO sides of equal length but an equilateral triangle has THREE sides of equal length

A isoceles triangle is triangle in which?

..two sides are of equal length.

What triangle has two sides of the same length?

That is an isoceles triangle.

What are the parts of a isoceles triangle?

It has 3 sides 2 of which are equal in length It has 3 interior angles 2 of which are equal in size Its 3 angles add up to 180 degrees It has 1 line of symmetry It has a perimeter which is the sum of its 3 sides

What is the name for a triangle that has two sides of equal length?

This triangle is called a scalene triangle.