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Q: What is the lest number of acute angles that a triangle could have?
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Related questions

How man acute angles can an isosceles triangle have?

It could have 2 or 3 acute angles

All angles in a scalene triangle are acute?

A scalene triangle could have three acute angles, one right angle and two acute angles, or one obtuse angle and two acute angles.

What a triangle with 3 acute angles called?

If all of the 3 acute angles are 60 degrees then it is an equilateral triangle if not then it could be a scalene triangle.

What is a triangle called with all acute angles?

It could be a number of things. Isosceles triangle is most likely what you are looking for.

If only two angles in a triangle are acute what type of triangle could it be?

Isosceles triangle

Would an isosceles triangle have three acute angles?

It could, but that's not required. It can have either two or three acute angles.

Is is possible for an isosceles triangle to be an acute triangle?

Yes, but a triangle is acute only if all three of its angles are acute (< 90o).An isosceles triangle can be an acute triangle, but it doesn't have to be.An acute triangle can be an isosceles triangle, but it doesn't have to be.That depends on the sizes of its angle because an isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles which could be 70 degrees, 70 degrees and 40 degrees which are all acute angles that add up to 180 degrees.

What triangle that has all acute angles that called a n?

It could be one of the following:acuteequilateralscaleneisosceles

Why can't two acute angles solve a right triangle?

Because another triangle could have exactly the same angles, but its sides could all be twice as long, or 62 times as long etc. There are an infinite number of triangles that all have the same two acute angles. They're all similar to each other, but they're not congruent.

What is the word for the definition a triangle with all angles measuring less than 90 degrees?

The word would be acute. You could refer to the triangle as an acute triangle. This means all angles measure less than 90 degrees.

Could All angles of a scalene triangle are acute?

Yes, it's possible but not essential.

Could this trangle be a right triangle?

Only if it has a right angle and 2 acute angles