

What is the list number of factors that a number can have?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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1 has one factor

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Q: What is the list number of factors that a number can have?
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What is the difference between listing the factors and listing the multiples of a number?

The list of factors of a number is a list of numbers that divide evenly into it. A list of multiples of a number is just a list of numbers that the first number divides. Example Factors of 6: 1,2,3,6 Multiples of 6: 6,12,18...

What lists factors is it called common factors or composite number or multiple?

When you are finding common factors, one method is to list the factors.

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-- List all factors of the first number. -- List all factors of the second number. -- If there are more than two numbers, list all factors of each one. -- Find the set of factors that are on every list. -- Find the greatest factor in the set.

What is factors that appear in a complete list of factors for a given number only once?

distinct factors

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1 has the least factors.

How to list the prime factors of a number?

You need to Writ edown all the factors.. :)

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What is the difference between finding the factors of a number and finding the prime factors of a number?

No difference. Once you've found the factors of a number, the prime numbers on that list are the prime factors.

What type of number has an odd number of factors?

A perfect square has an odd number of factors. Factors of numbers always come in pairs -- except for perfect squares. Since the square root of a perfect square is listed only once on the list of factors, it results in a list with an odd number of factors.

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What is called when factors that appear in a complete list of factors for given number only once?

distinct factors

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The number 4,655,851,200 has 2,016 factors; too many to list here.