945 is the lowest common denominator. 3 is the greatest common factor.
The lowest common denominator is 21.
1/7 + 3/8 = 8/56 + 21/56 is the lowest common denominator.
The lowest common denominator of 4/25 and 3/50 is 50.
Factor each number to see if they have common factors:21 = 3*736 = 3 *12The LCD is, 36*7 or 21*12, 252.
21As 3 and 7 are relatively prime (their hcf = 1), their lcm is 3×7 = 21.
The lowest common denominator of 5/6 and 3/8 is 24.
The lowest common denominator is 12. The lowest common factor is 1.
2 21/100 Since 21 can be divided by 3 and 7 (lowest primes), but 100 cannot, then logically, 100 is the lowest common denominator for this, therefore 21/100