To find the LCM you first have to break the numbers into their prime factors:
60 = 2x2x3x5
100 = 2x2x5x5
The next step is to identify the HCF. In this case it's 2x2x5 = 20. Finally, you multiply the numbers together and divide by the HCF:
60x100/20 = 300
Therefore the LCM of 60 and 100 is 300.
240 is the lowest common multiple of 48 and 60.
The Lowest Common Multiple of 60, 96 is 480.
The lowest common multiple is 300.
The lowest common multiple (LCM) is: 60
The lowest common multiple (LCM) is: 240
60 is the lowest common multiple of 20 and 15.
The least common multiple of 20 and 100 is 100. Multiples of 20 = [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120...] Multiples of 100 = [100, 200, 300, 400...] Therefore lowest common multiple is 100.
Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 8 60 is 120
The least common multiple of the numbers 60 and 765 is 3,060.
The lowest common multiple is 60
The lowest common multiple is 60.