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Q: What is the main advantages of using a variable ratio schedule reinforcement?
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What is variable ratio schedule?

A variable ratio schedule is a reinforcement schedule in operant conditioning where rewards are given after a varying number of responses. This type of schedule leads to high and steady rates of responding because individuals are unsure when the next reward will be received. It is often used to maintain behavior over a long period of time.

What are some schedules of reinforcement?

There are two kinds of reinforcement schedules. The first is continuous reinforcement where desired behavior is reinforced every time. The second schedule is partial reinforcement where a response is reinforced part of the time. Within partial reinforcement, there are four schedules which include fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, and fixed-interval and variable- interval.

How do the four schedules of reinforcement work?

The four schedules of reinforcement are fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, and variable interval. Fixed ratio provides reinforcement after a set number of responses, variable ratio provides reinforcement after a variable number of responses, fixed interval provides reinforcement after a set amount of time has passed, and variable interval provides reinforcement after a variable amount of time has passed. These schedules can influence the frequency and consistency of behavior.

What are the two schedules of reinforcement that produce the most effective rates of response?

The two schedules of reinforcement that produce the most effective rates of response are continuous reinforcement, where each desired behavior is reinforced every time it occurs, and variable ratio reinforcement, where reinforcement is delivered after an unpredictable number of responses. These schedules are effective in maintaining high rates of responding and reducing the likelihood of behavior extinction.

You want to provide a partial reinforcement schedule to motivate factory workers your main concern is to produce behavior that resist extinction you decide to choose a what?

d. variable ratio schedule

What is partial reinforcement?

Partial reinforcement is when an individual is rewarded on some, but not all, trials. There are multiple variants of partial reinforcement (fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio) but the schedule that is most likely to have the slowest extinction rate is variable ratio, meaning that after a certain number of trials between two values, a reward will be given. A real life example of this is gambling.

Which schedule of reinforcement is programmed into slot machines?

varriable ratio

What is a fixed ratio schedule?

A fixed ratio schedule is a reinforcement schedule where a behavior is reinforced after a specific number of responses. For example, in a fixed ratio 5 schedule, a reward is given every 5th response. This schedule tends to result in high response rates.

Kelly is working on a job at which she is paid 7.00 for every two electronic boards she assembles. What schedule of reinforcement is she operating under?

Kelly is operating under a fixed ratio schedule of reinforcement, where she is reinforced after assembling every two electronic boards.

Kelly is working on a job at which she is paid 7.00 for every two electronic boards she assembles which schedule of reinforcement is she operating under?

fixed ratio

Kelly is working on a job at which she is paid 7.00 for every two electronic boards she assembles What schedule of reinforcement is she operating under?

fixed ratio

If an employer at a cleaning company wants his employees to clean more toilets per shift he would get the best response when using a blank schedule of reinforcement?

Fixed ratio