

What is the math term of bisect?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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"Bisect" IS mathematical term!

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Q: What is the math term of bisect?
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What is the math term bisected?

To 'bisect' is to cut into two equal parts.

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In math when you divide a line into two parts what do you do to it?

bisect it

If you bisect a triangle- what are you doing to it?

If you bisect a triangle, your cutting it in half. This is usually done in math class when your learning about angles.

What is the definion of bisect?

To cut in 2, usually in reference to Math.

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What is a math term that starts with the letter b?

binomial, bisector, biased (used in statistics)

Math word that bengins with the letter b?

· base of a triangle · binomial · bisect

What math terms begin with the letter B?

Base of a triangle, billion, binary, binomial and bisect are math terms. They begin with B.

What is meant by the term bisect?

The term 'bisect' means to cut or divide something into two equal parts. An example is if someone cut a piece of wood in half they would be bisecting the wood.

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there is no such math term

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The math term for multiplication is PRODUCT.