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Q: What is the maximum number of angles formed by a single line segment intersecting a pair of parallel lines?
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Is letter X parallel line segment?

Well,actually,parallel line are lines that has two line segments,going on side by side without meating each other. example: _____________________________ _____________________________ But actually,the letter x is a intersecting line.You see,an intersecting line is a line cross,but making two obtuse,and acute angles.

Are perpendicular lines parallel to each other?

No, perpendicular means intersecting or forming right angles.

What has 2 acute and 2 obtuse angles?

A rhombus, two sets of parallel lines intersecting,

What are all the angles in geometry?

intersecting, parallel, acute, right ,obtuse, straight, perpendicular, reflex

What is a pair of angles formed by two lines intersected by a third line?

More info needed. Are the 2 lines parallel, perpendicular, or? are the angles that you are interested in on opposite sides of the intersecting line or the same side. The intersecting line is called a transversal. If the original lines are parallel, angles between the 2 lines on opposite sides of the transversal are called alternate interior angles, etc.

What intersecting lines make right angles?

All of them. If its truly intersecting lines, they have to form right angles. All of them. If its truly intersecting lines, they have to form right angles.

What problem would there be in your picture if the line were not parallel?

Parallel means lines that are avoiding each other (in other words, they don't touch.) So the problem would have to be the way the lines are going. If the lines were intersecting (or crossing) then that would be the problem.For example: You have a problem on a paper that asks you this same question:What problem would there be in your picture if the lines were not parallel?Answer: Then your lines would be an intersecting pair.Slight definition: If your lines are not parallel, then they would have to be intersecting. Intersecting is when two lines (line segments, angles, etc.) cross on each other. For example... they might make an X by forming together in this pattern. Parallel is when your lines are NOT touching. If they are, they would be considered our P/Intersecting. Standing for "Parallel and Intersecting lines."SRW!!

How do you indicate congruent segments in a diagram How do you indicate congruent angles in a diagram?

Drawing two tiny parallel lines over the segment will indicate that it is a congruent segment. The little arc symbol can also be drawn over the segment or the angles.

When are intersecting lines also parallel?

no. if they touch, then they cannot be parallel.

The nonadjacent angles formed by two intersecting lines?

two adjacent angles formed by two intersecting tines are

When two lines are both intersected by a third line the non-adjacent angles which are in the interior of the two lines and on opposite sides of the intersecting line are called?

If the intersected lines are parallel then the angles are called equal alternate angles

What is the opposite angles formed by two intersecting lines?

Opposite angles are equivalent when formed by two intersecting lines