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Total exterior angles of any polygon = 360 deg. In this case there are 6 exterior angles, so each angle is 60 deg.

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Q: What is the measure of one exterior angle of a regular polygon having 6 sides?
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What is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon having 6sides?

Recall that the measurement of interior angle is: 180°(n - 2)/n Given that a regular polygon has 6 sides, let n = 6. Then: 180°(6 - 2) / 6 = 180° * 4 / 6 = 120° Since the total measurement of interior and exterior angles is 180°, 180° - 120° = 60°, which is the measurement of the exterior angle of the regular polygon.

A regular polygon has an interior angle measure of 168 What kind of polygon is it?

A regular polygon having an interior angle measure of 168o has 30 sides and is called a triacontagon.

If the measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon is 140 how many sides does the polygon have?

If the measure of an interior angle of a regular polygon is 140o, the polygon is a nonagon (sometimes called an ennagon) having 9 sides.

If a polygon has 30 degree exterior angles how many sides does it have?

A polygon having 30 degree exterior angles is a dodecagon having 12 sides.

How many sides does a polygon with an interior angle measure of 120 degrees have?

A regular polygon having an interior angle of 120 degrees will have 6 sides and is called an hexagon.

What is Equilateral polygon?

It is a regular polygon having all sides of equal lengths

What is having all sides equal?

A regular Polygon.

What is the measure to the nearest hundredth of each angle of a regular polygon having seven sides?

Each interior angle measures 128.57 degrees rounded

Is the exterior angle sum theorem true for concave polygons?

Yes, if you interpret some of the exterior angles as having negative measure.

What is a regular polygon?

A regular polygon is a closed, 2-dimensional figure consisting exclusively of line segments of equal length.A regular polygon is a polygon that is both equilateral and equiangular (having both equal side lengths and equals angle measures on all sides and corners of the polygon).Source: This website helps you with all types of polygons, not just regular and irregular.

Is a skyline triangle a regular polygon?

If you mean a scalene triangle, then no. A regular polygon is defined as having equal angles. A scalene triangle has 3 different angles (and 3 different length sides).

A polygon having 8 equal sides?

Octagon * * * * * An equilateral octagon (though not necessarily regular).