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Submerge it in liquid nitrogen. Heston Blumenthal, currently a 3 Michelin Star chef uses it. But liquid nitrogen is dangerous and protective equipment is essential.

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Q: What is the method that cools food to below 41 degrees Fahrenheit in the shortest time?
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What is the integer of 6 degrees Fahrenheit below zero?

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-10 degrees Celsius = 14 degrees Fahrenheit.

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32 Degrees F and below = For Fahrenheit Below 0 degrees in Celsius

In degrees Fahrenheit what is 160 degrees below freezing?

-128 degrees Fahrenheit. (32F is freezing).

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-5 degrees Fahrenheit = -20.5 degrees Celsius.

Is 46 degrees Fahrenheit above or below freezing?

above it will be freezing at 32 degrees Fahrenheit

180 below celsius covert to in Fahrenheit?

-180 degrees Celsius = -292 degrees Fahrenheit

-10 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to what in Fahrenheit?

-10 degrees f is equal to ten° below 0° in fahrenheit.

What is 50 degrees below celsius in Fahrenheit?

50 degrees Celsius = 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Use the equation F = (9/5)C + 32 (also see the related link "Conversion of Temperature Units" below) 50ºC = 122.0ºF 50 degrees Celsius is equal to a temperature of 122 degrees Fahrenheit. F = C x 9/5 + 32

40 degrees below zero celsius is what degree fahrenheit?

This is the only temperature where it coincides between the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. 40 degrees below zero on the Celsius scale is 40 degrees below on the Fahrenheit scale.

What temperature is 5 degrees below the boiling point of water?

95 degrees Celsius is five degrees below the boiling point of water. If you are working in Fahrenheit it is 207 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is 25 degrees below zerofrom Fahrenheit to celsius?

-25 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to a temperature of -31.67 degrees Celsius.