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Pentagonaphobia which isn't a real word or mildly schizophrenic.

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Q: What is the name for someone who fears pentagons?
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Is their a scientific name for someone that fears credit cards?

The scientific name for someone that fears money is Chrometophobia, and the fear of numbers called numerophobia prevents some people from obtaining credit cards. There does not appear to be a specific phobia related to fear of credit cards.

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Do pentagons have right angles?

No, pentagons to not have right angles.

Do all pentagons have congruent angles?

Yes providing that they are regular 5 sided pentagons otherwise no if they are irregular pentagons

What do you call someone who is scared of books?

A bibliophobe is someone who fears or mistrusts books.

What are the black pentagons in DNA?

The black pentagons are deoxyribose sugars.

Do pentagons have perpendicular lines?

Not if they are regular 5 sided pentagons

What shapes are pentagons?

The Pentagon

Are pentagons parallelograms?

no - parallelograms have four sides; pentagons have five.

What is the name for a 12 faced polyhedra?

the dodecahedron - made up of 12 regular pentagons

How do you put 3 regular pentagons together?

Regular pentagons do not tessellate.

Why are the shapes on a soccer ball either pentagons or hexagons?

They have a few pentagons on it.