

What is the name given to the system of unit used in the US?

Updated: 11/30/2020
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12y ago

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US customary units

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Q: What is the name given to the system of unit used in the US?
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The base unit for time is the second.

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What is the name given to the system of units used in the United states?

The Imperial system of measurements, originally used in England.

What does unit in the si system mean?

A unit is the name given to a standard quantity of various measurable things. So a metre is the unit of length. It used to be defined as 1/10000000 of the distance from the north pole to the equator, but later with reference to something more practical. For time, it is the second, also with a precise definition. And the Kilogram. These are known as the MKS system, replacing the earlier cgs (centimetre, gram, second) system.

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(g) grams- is the unit used in the metric system.

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Well the SI unit of length is the meter, and SI is the first standard measurement system...

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What unit is used to measure mass in the metric system?

The SI unit for mass in the metric system is the kilogram.

What are uses of system unit?

system unit is used to control the parts of the computer system

Three uses of the system unit?

Uses Of System Unit: The system unit is used to control the parts of the computer system. It also holds the different components of the computer together. The system unit stores information that controls the overall activities of the computer.

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System Unit