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It is an intersection.

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Q: What is the name in maths definition when 2 straight lines make an x at 35 degrees?
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A chord is a straight line joining any 2 points on the circumference of a circle

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Angle is a space between two lines or surfaces that meet at one point, which you measure in degrees.

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A radian is part of the circumference of a circle and its length is the same size as the circle's radius and it is about 57.3 degrees.

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right angles are perpendicular lines that intercept each other at right angles which is 90 degrees

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it means maths

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'Acute' in maths refers to an angle of less than 90 degrees.

What does the word parallel mean in maths?

Parallel in maths means opposite. Two parallel lines can never touch. I you are not sure if two lines are parallel then imagine that these lines go on for ever, will they eventually cross?

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