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A prism.

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Q: What is the name of a 3d shape where 2 identical polygon faces are joined by straight lines?
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What is a 3-d shape with rectangular faces and two identical polygon bases?

A prism.

What is an edge in math?

An edge is a straight line as part of a polygon. It can also be the straight line joining two faces of a solid which has polygonal faces.

What is the name of an 20 sided polygon?

an icosahedron (icosagon) is a regular polyhedron with 20 identical equilateral triangular faces

When can you say that it is a prism?

A prism is a polyhedron (a many sided 3D shape) with two identical and parallel faces called the bases. The vertices of the two bases are joined by straight lines forming a number of rectangular faces. For example, a pentagonal prism consists of 2 pentagonal faces and 5 rectangular faces, and has 15 edges and 10 vertices.

Which shape is every side face of a prism?

A polygon. A prism has two identical bases or end-faces and these can be polygons with any number of sides.

Is a polygon that has all congruent faces and angles a concave polygon?

No it is not. On a number of counts.A polygon is an enclosed plane area whose boundaries comprise straight lines. It is, therefore, a 2-dimensional object and so does not have faces. If you meant sides instead, the answer is still NO. If all the sides and and angles are congruent then the polygon MUST be convex.

Why is a cube a prism not a pyramid?

A cube, like a prism has two identical parallel faces which are joined by rectangular faces (a square being a special case of a rectangle). A pyramid, on the other hand, has a number of triangular faces meeting at an apex: a cube has no triangular faces.

What 3D shape has identical faces and some others that are parallelograms?

There is no shape which has identical parallelogram faces.

How do you identify a prism?

A prism is a polyhedron - a 3-dimensional shape with polygonal faces. It has two identical and parallel polygonal faces that are "joined together" by rectangular faces. A prism whose bases are n-sided polygons has 2n vertices, n+2 faces and 3n edges.

What shape has 4 identical faces?

a square. duuh. * * * * * duuh is correct! A square has 4 identical sides or 4 identical angles but not 4 identical faces! A shape with four identical plane faces is a regular tetrahedron or a triangle based pyramid.

What are faces of a congruent regular polygon?

A regular polygon has equal sides and angles. A polygon has a surface area but a polyhedron has many faces as for example a pyramid.

What is a polygon with 20 faces?

A polygon with 20 sides is an icosagon.