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Q: What is the name of a group of dozens of stars in an irregular shape is a?
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Related questions

Why is an irregular galaxy called a irregular galaxy?

The same stellar materials and dust any other galaxy is made of - it just hasn't taken on a coherent shape - yet, or possibly it had a collision encounter with another galaxy, leaving it "irregular" - either is possible.

Why do irregular galaxies have no shape?

An irregular galaxy is a galaxy that doesn't have a specific shape like a pinwheel or an elliptical galaxy.

What is a group of older stars in a rounder shape called?

Elliptical I think

Along with shape and size which property distinguishes spiral galaxies elliptical galaxies and irregular galaxies from one another?

You can also distinguish them by the types of stars - older stars versus younger stars, and stars of different "metallicity".

What is the Collective noun for an irregular luminous band of stars?

An irregular luminous band of stars is called a galaxyof stars.

What do you call a large group of stars often on the shape of spirals?

Open cluster

What is an asterizm?

Asterism. A group of stars that forms a certain shape - from our point of view.

What is a star shape?

a star shape is a 10 sided shape with 5 or 10 corners. You might also be thinking of a "constellation", or group of stars said to look like something.

What are constellations groups of?

Constellations are a group of stars that make an imaginary shape in the night sky.

How old are the stars irregular stars?

The same age as stars in other galaxies.

What is Cassiopeia an example of?

It is a good example of a constellation - a group of stars forming a recogniseable shape when viewed from Earth.

What is a group of stars that appear in the sky?

I think it is called a constellation if they make a specific shape, but if not i don't know sorry.