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a regular octahedron

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Q: What is the name of a polyhedron with 8 faces that are equilateral triangles?
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What 3D shapes have triangular faces?

In geometry, a deltahedron (plural deltahedra) is a polyhedron whose faces are all equilateral triangles. The name is taken from the Greek upper case delta (Δ), which has the shape of an equilateral triangle.

What is the name of a 20 face shape?

An icosahedron is a regular polyhedron with 20 equilateral triangle faces.

Name a solid that has 4 faces all of which are equilateral triangles?

A tetrahedron

What is the name of an 20 sided polygon?

an icosahedron (icosagon) is a regular polyhedron with 20 identical equilateral triangular faces

What is name of a shape with twenty congruent equilateral triangles as faces?

This shape is called a Icosahedron , I think.

What is the name of five platonic solids?

1~Tetrahedron *4 faces (made of equilateral triangles) *6 edges *5 vertices 2~Hexahedron (cube) *6 faces (made of squares) *12 edges *8 vertices 3~Octrahedron *8 faces (made up of equilateral triangles) *12 edges *6 vertices 4~Icosahedron *20 faces (made of equilateral triangles) *30 edges *12 verticies 5~Dodecahedron *12 faces (made of pentagons) *30 edges *20 vertices.

What is the name for a polyhedron who's bases are a rectangle?

There is not enough information to determine how many faces the polyhedron has (and therefore its name).

Name a polyhedron that has 6 faces?

rectangular prism

What is the name of 2 different triangles?

equilateral and scalene

What are the name of the three triangles?

isoceles, equilateral, and scalene...

What is the name of a space figure in which all the faces are polygons?

It is a polyhedron which means many faces

Name three types of triangles?

equilateral, isosceles and scalene.