

Best Answer

a rectangle

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It is a parallelogram

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Q: What is the name of a quadrilateral that has 2 long sides the same length and 2 short sides the same length but it does not have any right angles or any reflective symmetry?
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What is the mathematical name for a quadrilatural shape that has 2 long sides the same length 2 short sides the same length and does not have any right angles and does not have reflective symmetry?


What is the name of the quadrilateral which has diagonals that are different in length and has two axes of symmetry?


What is a quadrilateral with no right angles and 4 of equal length?

It is a rhombus

Can a quadrilateral contain 3 obtuse angles?

quadrilateral means having all sides the same length. when you make a shape with 3 obtuse angles and with the same length on the sides, only 3 of them will have the same length which is the sides of the 3 obtuse angles. then the last side will be too long. obviously it is no more quadrilateral.

What is a regular quadrilateral and what is another name for this shape?

A regular quadrilateral is a square. It is a four-sided figure with all sides being the same length and all angles equal (right angles).

What quadrilateral will have diagonals of equal length but will have no right angles?

It is an isosceles trapezoid.

A quadrilateral with sides of equal length and four right angles?


Which quadrilateral has no right angles and opposite sides of equal length?

a pentagon

Quadrilateral with congruent sides and no right angles?

rhombus. The rhombus is a quadrilateral with all sides equal in length. It is also a parallelogram, so opposite sides are parallel and equal in length, and opposite angles are equal.

It has 4 sides all of its angles and all angles are right angles and its 4 sides are not all the same length?


What is a Quadrilateral with two sets of parallel sides?

It is a parallelogramIf one of the angles is a right angle (then they all are) and the quadrilateral is a rectangle.If both pairs of sides are equal in length (but none of the angles is a right angle) the quadrilateral is a rhombus.If the sides are equal and one of the angles is a right angle, the quadrilateral is a square.

What quadrilateral has two pairs of sides the same length and all the angles equal?

a squareThe only quadrilateral that has two pairs of sides the same length and all angles equal is the square.* * * * *The correct answer is a rectangle.