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In Renaissance Europe, he was considered the original inventor of algebra, although we now know that his work is based on older Indian or Greek sources.[6] He revised Ptolemy's Geography and wrote on astronomy and Astrology.

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Q: What is the name of the mathematician who is said to have helped to invent algebra?
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What is the last name of the mathematician who was credited with the discovering the connection between algebra and geometry?

It was Descartes.

How did algebra get started?

Algebra, as the Arabic origin of its name suggests, originated with the work of the Persian mathematician al-KhwÄrizmÄ« (780 – 850).

How did the word algebra get its name?

From an Arab mathematician called Al-jibra, or something very similar!

What word did the Islamic mathematician Al-Khwarizmi invent?

He didn't invent, but rather used the word, "al-jabr," which means "restoration" in Arabic, to describe his method of defining an unknown quantity as a variable and then manipulating it within an equation to arrive at its value. In other words, "al-jabr" means to perform an algebraic process, hence the word "algebra" being derived from it. His name (Al-Khwarizmi) is the root for the word "algorithm" although Al-Khwarizmi himself did not coin the word.

What mathematician authored a book that gave algebra its name?

It was the medieval Persian mathematician, Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī, who published in 830, the book Kitāb al-muḫtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-ğabr wa-l-muqābala. The al-ğabr resulted in the term algebra.

The name of the inventor who invent pascaline?

French Physicist, Mathematician and Philosopher Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical calculator.

Why algebra is known as algebra?

Algebra was invented by the Muslim mathematician Al-Khwarizmi and is the Arabic word (aljabr) for "equation".

What is the name of algebra that deals with logical propositions which are either true or false?

The name of algebra that deals with logical propositions which are either true or false is Boolean algebra. It was developed by mathematician George Boole and is widely used in computer science and digital electronics for designing and analyzing logic circuits.

How did boolean operators get the name?

Boolean operators are named after a mathematician by the name of George Boole. He came up with the idea that all mathematical problems were either true or false.

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The name of the horse was "Algebra" .

Who invented algerbra?

Algebra was invented by the Muslim mathematician Al-Khwarizmiin the book he wrote in 820. Algebra is the Arabic word (aljabr) for "equation", and the word "algorithm" comes from the author's name, Al-Khwarizmi. He is rightly known as "the father of Algebra".-J. J. O'Conner and E. F. Robertson wrote in the MacTutor History of Mathematics archive

What was the name of the very famous mathematician from Greece?

Many famous mathematicians were Greek, such as: Archimedes, Aristotle, Hippocrates, Ptolemy and Pythagoras. Hope this helped.