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Q: What is the name of the person who came up with the Fibonacci sequence?
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What is the name of the sequence that begins 11235813?

Fibonacci Sequence

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fibonacchi sequence.

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What is the name of this number sequence 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55?

Fibonacci sequence Fibonacci sequence

What inspired Fibonacci to pursue mathematics?

The Fibonacci Sequence itself was not CREATED by Leonardo of Pisa (more commonly known as Leonardo Fibonacci or simply Fibonacci). He is credited to the introduction of the sequence to the western world, (Hence the name "The Fibonacci Sequence"); however origins of the Fibonacci can be traced back to 200BC. *TJB*

What name is given to this sequence 11235813?

It is called a Fibonacci number sequence! 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...

What is the name of a number pattern that goes 11235813?

fibonacci sequence :)

The sequence name for 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21?

Fibonacci Sequence

What is the name of this number sequence 3 3 6 9 15?

A Fibonacci series

What was Fibonacci's famous mathematical invention?

Fibonacci is most famous for his description of the number sequence, which in the 19th century was given the name 'Fibonacci numbers' . The sequence is made by starting with two ones, and adding them up, then to make every new term, the previous two terms need to be added together.

Where did the Fibonacci Numbers first appear?

Fibonacci numbers have always been around. Many scholars believe the concept was first noticed by mathematicians of India. Leonardo of Pisa (known as Fibonacci) first introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics in a 1202 book entitled LiberAbici, thus the sequence bears his name.

The name of the book that has Fibonacci sequence?

"The DaVinci Code" used it as a clue and a code for getting into a special safety box.