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Q: What is the name of the second number in a horizontal division problem?
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What part of a division problem is the divisor?

the second number

What is the second number of a division problem called?

The dividend is divided by the divisor to get the quotient.

What are the numbers in a division problem called?

The first number is called the dividend. The second number is called the divisor. The answer is called the quotient.

What is the divisor in a division problem?

In any division sum, for example, 12 / 4 = 3, the divisor is the second number - the one that the number is divided by.

What is the number to be divided in a division problem?

In any division sum, the number to be divided - the first number in a sum such as 6/2 = 3 is called the dividend. The second number is the divisor, and the answer is the quotient.

How do you get a formula when checking a division problem?

You use the second number of the dividend and divide it by you amount of numbers in your divisor

Which number in a division problem is the divisor?

The second number. Say, if you had 6 divided by 2, then 2 in the divisor and 6 is the dividend.

What it's the number called that its to be divided in a division problem?

The number that is going to be divided is called the dividend (or the first number in a division question), while the number that is going to do the dividing is called a divisor (the second number in the division sentence/equation). Example: 8 divided by 2 = 4 8 is the dividend 2 is the divisor 4 is the quotient, or the solution to the problem. (8 is the )

What is the second number in a subtraction problem?

The second number in a subtraction problem is called the subtrahend.

A number is divisible by another number when the what is zero?

The second number must be non-zero for the division to be defined.For the concept of divisibility to make sense the second number must be an integer.Then, the first number is divisible by the secondwhen the first number, modulo the second, is zero,or equivalently,when the remainder of the division of the first number by the second is zero.

What is the answer called in a division sum?

In any division sum, such as 12 / 4 = 3, the first number is the dividend, the second number is the divisor, and the third number is called the quotient.

CGPA 2.36 in Pakistan is first division or second division?

It is second division with C grade