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Q: What is the name of this polygon four equal sides right angle?
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What is a 3 - sided polygon with one right angle and no equal sides?

A right scalene triangle.

What are three names for a polygon that has four equal sides and no right angles?

a rhombus, a quadrilateral without right angle, a quadrilateral with equal opposite parallel sides but no right angles

What polygon always has a right angle?

Any polygon with 4 or more sides can always have a right angle.

Sum of the angle Of a polygon is 22 right angle how many sides does a polygon has?


Has 4 equal sides but has no right angle?

-- A rhombus with no right angles. -- Any polygon with an even number of sides could also have.

What is a polygon that has 3 sides and 1 right angle?

It is a right angle triangle

Can you draw a quadrilateral with 1 right angle?

yes, you can draw a quadrilateral with on right angle because all sides don't have to be equal for a regular one _ /Right Angle l l l l l/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- A quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides, so yes. You can use only one right angles, if the polygon has four sides.

What is a 3-sided polygon with 1 right angle and no equal sides?


Does each angle of a regular polygon have equal sides?


What have 2 equal sides and no right angle?

It could be an isosceles triangle that is not right angles; an isosceles trapezium, a trapezium where one of the parallel sides is equal to one of the sloped sides; any irregular polygon with 5 or more sides where two are equal, and no right angles.

What is the name of this polygon three sides one right angle?

right angle triangle

What is a irregular Decagon?

A polygon that has 10 sides that are not all equal* * * * *Got the right idea but wrong in the detail. It is a polygon with ten sides in whicheither at least two sides are unequal, orto angles are unequal.Thus a polygon with ten equal sides, and 9 equal angles but the tenth angle being different, would be irregular.