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Q: What is the necessity for standard unit of measurement?
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What is Standard unit?

a unit of measurement

Is a meter a standard unit of measurement?

By unit of length and distance and conversion ,we can say that meter is a a standard unit of measurement

What are the units of measurement of standard deviation?

Standard deviation has the same unit as the data set unit.

What is a quantity adopted as a standard of measurement?


What is the unit of measurement for pressure?

The pascal (Pa) is the standard unit of pressure.

Is the meter the base unit of measurement for length in the standard measurement system?


The meter is the base unit of measurement for length in the standard measurement system?


What was the name of the first standard measurement unit used to measure the length?

Well the SI unit of length is the meter, and SI is the first standard measurement system...

What was the need for creating a standard unit for measurement?

We need standard unit for measurement to make our judgement more reliable and accurate. For proper dealing, measurement should be same for everybody. Hope this helped :>

What is A unit of measure that people agree to use?

is meant by measurement in che mistry

What is a standard of measurements?

A standard unit of measurement is the unit (size or quantity) that is agreed upon in that nation or trading partnership. In science the standard units of measurement are called SI units. (An international standard). This is the metric system.

This is a fixed amount used as a standard of measurement?
