

What is the number 72 in decimal in base 36?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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72 decimal = 20 in base 36.

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Q: What is the number 72 in decimal in base 36?
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What is 50 percent of 72 percent?

36 See... 50 x .72 = 36 (.72 is the decimal equivalent of 72%)

What is 36 over 72?

36 over 72 is equal to 1 over 2, which is a half or 0.5 in decimal.

What is 36 over 50 as a decimal?

36/50 = 72/100 = 0.72

72 is 36 percent of what number?

The Answer is 2520 No it is not--- to find the answer first convert the % to a decimal so 36% would look like 36. and THEN move the decimal over 2 spaces to the left (this is just a rule to remember) 36% is the same as .36 Then simply multiply by the number given so 36% of 72 would look like .36 * 72 and the answer is 25.92 A tip to remember is that 100% of a number is THE SAME NUMBER so 100% of 72 is 72 So if you are looking for 36% (which is less than 100%) your answer will obviously be less than the original number (in this case less than 72)--so obviously the poster who says the answer is 2520 is incorrect same for the opposite direction--if you are looking for 200% (greater than 100%) of a number your answer will be GREATER than the original number--so usually on multiple choice math tests you can eliminate 2 of the options right off the bat by simply applying that tip to them.

The least common multiple of 36 and 72?

The least common multiple is the smallest number that is multiple of two or more numbers. 36: 36, 72 72: 72, 144 The LCM of 36 and 72 is 72.

Why is 72 the LCM of 24 and 36?

Multiples of 24: 24, 48, 72, 96Multiples of 36: 36, 72, 10872 is the first number on both lists.

What is the number that will get the same number as the triple number of 24 if you doub le it?

It is 36 because 3*24 = 36*2 which is 72 = 72

Is 72 a odd number?

72 is not an odd number because it is divisible by 2. 72/2 = 36.

What is 0.72 divided by 2?


What number does 24 and 36 go into?

72 ......... There are infinite numbers. 72 is the lowest positive number exactly divisible by 24 and 36.

What is the greatest of 27 36 and 72?

The biggest number of the three on the number line is 72.

What percent of 200 is 36?

To find 36 percent of a number, multiply the number by 0.36. In this instance, 0.36 x 200 = 72. Therefore, 36 percent of 200 is equal to 72.