The numerator is the top number in the fraction and the bottom number is called the denominator.
it is a NumeratorBY:Emily
The number above the line in a fraction is called the numerator. The number below the line is called the denominator. So in the fraction 5/7 5 is the numerator and 7 is the denominator.
It is called a numerator.
It is called the numerator. The bottom one is the denominator.
It "enumerates" the portion of items being discussed.
The number below the fraction bar in a fraction is the denominator. The number above the fraction bar is the numerator.
The number at the top of a fraction is called the numerator.(The number at the bottom is the denominator.)
A number can be called either a mixed number or a mixed fraction when it is a whole number with a fraction.
It is the numerator that is above the denominator in a fraction
The top number is called the numerator and the bottom number called the denominator. The line that usually separates the numerator and denominator. If slanting it is called a solidus or forward slash, for example 3⁄4. If the line is horizontal, it is called a vinculum or, informally, a "fraction bar"